Digital Revolution was an immersive exhibition of art, design, film, music and video-games held at the Barbican Arts Centre, London. Exhibitors works were projected onto the ‘human canvas’ to help convey the intervention, or hacking, necessary to innovate in the field of digital creativity whilst simultaneously communicating the rich multi-sensory visitor experience.
Projection Photography byGreg White
Mother Design Campaign Identity & Exhibition Design, 2014
Projection Photography by

Barbican, Digital Revolution — Campaign Identity & Exhibition Design
The exhibition design, created in collaboration with Ab Rogers Studio, consisted of projected typography, human proportioned monoliths that marked out the sections of the show and caption panels that integrated with the specially developed powder-coated Unistrut framing system.
Material palettes echoed the innovative nature of the exhibited works while creating a multicoloured optical effect by reflecting the captured light of the surrounding digital artefacts. A signage system was also developed to help visitors navigate the Barbican where the works were arranged across all floor levels of the arts centre.
Material palettes echoed the innovative nature of the exhibited works while creating a multicoloured optical effect by reflecting the captured light of the surrounding digital artefacts. A signage system was also developed to help visitors navigate the Barbican where the works were arranged across all floor levels of the arts centre.